Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home... Sick... *Cough*

Yep, its that time of year again. My seasonal allergies are at their best, but this time its something different... Well, it started Monday afternoon right after school. My mom thought I picked something up from my friends at school (half of all my classes are out sick), but when we went to the doctors I was told I have something completely different. I had some type of repitary virus, which completely sucks because I could barely breathe! I was turning colors!

FInally one day it got so bad I went to the hospital around 12 am! The last time I was in a hospital was when I was around 4 years old, so I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. For me "as soon as possible" was 4 hours later. Yes, it took them about 2 hours to see me and then another 2 to tell me what was wrong! Unfortuantly, the statistics lady (person who weighs you, and asks for symptoms), the nurse, and the doctor all said different things. So now I know I either have a virus, a cold, a fever, or the flu. Greeaaattt..

A therapist had to come in and teach me how to use a rescue inhaler also. Its funny because when I was younger I always wanted one of those, but now that I have to use one its not so fun anymore. Fortunatly, I don't have asthma (so they say), so I don't have to keep using it. It's only for when I have colds or when I'm just having a hard time getting air.

As soon as I learned how to use it, the color of my face became normal again. This freaked my mom out because she thought it was just from me being ill. It was obvious I hadn't been getting enough oxygen.

That was yesterday. I've been out sick for 3 days. Today should be my last day. I want to go back tomorrow (Friday), so they'll give me all my make-up work to do over the weekend...

Speaking of the weekend, Labor Day weekend is coming up! I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing yet. I can either choose the family or friends approach. My mom's friend (who's like family) is getting remarried, so she wants to go to the wedding in New York, but I wanted to hang with my friends this weekend... I guess we'll see.

KIMANI ALERT: We've been fighting... I still love him, but he keeps flirting! I've gotten so much advice from other guys about it. So what I did last week was asked him if he still loved me. When he said "Of course." I forwarded all the texts guys have sent me with advice on the situation. And there were A LOT of messages! Like:

"If he's hugging up on other girls he likes them. It's common sense Bri."

"You need to move on. The guys playing you like a fiddle. He knows you'll always love you, so he's taking advantage of you. Find someone else."

"What's going on is he likes being able to call you his girl, but he also likes being single.. So he's doing what he can to keep both. Dump him."

And SO many more!

I could tell he was really getting into it, because he sent me back a text saying "Wow.. I haven't realized how much of a dueche I've been since you forwarded those messages... I'm really sorry." And ever since he's been trying to make it up to me. Awww! (:

And he's so caring... Since I've been sick he's been calling me every morning and afternoon to see if I'm alright. He's even sending these little phrases of lyrics from my favorite songs! How sweet is that?

"Are you afraid of being alone? Cuz I am, I'm lost without you."
- Blink 182
I'm Lost Without You

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hilton Garden Inn!

We have decided to stay in Jacksonville. But we will still be visiting Orlando soon! It's quiet down here and everything closes early. I personally hate it, but you know me, I'm always on the move. It's not nearly as bad as Cordele though. And my grandparents live close by. Fairfield wasn't the best hotel... The service was bad and the people were very unfriendly, so we decided to check into Hilton Garden Inn yesterday and ever since we walked into the door we have felt warm and very welcome.

We got to the hotel around 10 pm, but didn't get our room until 12:30 am. Now please DO NOT blame the employees! My mom is just the most picky person in the world! Our first room had a adjoining door (which she thought was scary), our second room had a view of the woods, the third room had a view of the roof, and the fourth had a view of some electrical stuff. By the way, these rooms were all on the second floor (she won't go on the first floor or anything higher than second). Finally when it seemed like we had been in every available room on the second floor my mom sucked up her pride and went to the third. That's where we stayed, room #323. I LOVED the view! It showed the pool (which was gigantic) and it had a nice blue sparkle like you see in the movies!

It's the next day and I just finished eating breakfast at their restaurant. Their food is great!!

KIMANI UPDATE: We talked about our wonderful future yesterday! He is so sweet! I love him!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Road Trip Blues...

Did I mention I've been on a road trip for the past two days? Probably thinking its atleast a good 10 hours right? Wrong. It's only a seven hour drive (to FL) and we've had to stay at two hotels! Just two hours away from our city my mom got tired and pulled into a Country Inn & Suites in Cordele, which by the way was in the middle of nowhere (but it was new!). Now remember we live in a subarb, right outside of the huge city, so when we booked the room and decided to go across the street to the only Walmart for miles, we ended up in a small store that was atleast thirty years old (and it showed, trust me). In the cosmetic aisle we walked up to two girls about 18 years each and kindly asked them where the closest Kroger was. And they started laughing at us saying "Only store we got 'round here is this ol' Walmart. We deffinitally ain't big 'nough to get a Kroger! Next grocery store is a Target and that's 'bout 30 miles right there." We thanked them and practically ran out the store! Haha!

Thankfully, we had many bags of chips to snack on and cokes to drink from the short ride. That morning I got up at 9:45 am to go grab a quick breakfast. Thinking we'd be alone (breakfast ended at 10) it was actually pretty packed. I got some food and sat down. A lot of kids my age were running around, smiling at me which gave me a little comfort. Around 10:30 I took the elevator back up to my room (#222) and washed my hair while my mom packed up the stuff we brought. Around 12:00 we checked out, but ended up staying until 2:30 pm because a nice lady from a non-profit youth christian program noticed me and asked if I was in modeling. She and my mom got talking and we found out a lot. She was a councoler for the group and also an acting/theater teacher. They also got into talking about Cordele as a town and she ended up telling us that quote "They worship that Walmart! They need some new shops! What do they do around here?!" unquote. Interesting... ;D

We drove for another five hours and ended up getting about 30 miles from our destination. We checked into a Fairfield Inn (Mariott) in Palm Coast and that's how I got to being here! Both hotels are very nice/new! Maybe you can check them out!

Well, I'm tired. I'm just going to hit the sheets now. Beach tomorrow! I think..? Disney World Thursday! Universal Studios Friday! Seaworld Saturday! Haha! Good night!

P.S. Did I let you know how hot the guys in FL are? I mean, I don't know why, but they seem better than in Georgia! We stopped in Steak and Shake and I felt like I was in heaven! But I'm still going with Kimani... (He kept me from dying of boredom through the whole trip! So I have to give him some credit!) Haha!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Long Time, No See! (:

Well, I have a very good excuse for not blogging! I lost my password! Didn't know you could create a new one! Haha! Yes, one of my blonde moments... ANYWAY I updated my blog! Tell me what you think!

Back to my boy life! You know that guy down there? *glances down* Yeah, well I am IN LOVE with him! I've been known as the slut for like ever, but we have now been going out since April 14th! That's about 3 months!!

We even have a song together! The song that brought us closer! And OMG, get this, we both like blue!